Friday, February 13, 2009

Time - Illustration Friday

Time - Illustration Friday topic. So many things could be illustrated for this topic.
Time can be good to help organise and plan our lives and at other times it can be bad.
In a way time can be our friend or our enemy. 
I have illustrated a race track, on the left you see people / numbers / creatures enjoying life and the time they have been given to enjoy special events in life such as having a child, getting married, playing with your dog at the park, winning a trophy or a race (I know these are a few of the many things one can celebrate in life). I thought about how important the measurement of time is to olympic athletes.
Then on the other side of the track you see people trying to run back in time away from death and disaster. As you will probably know last Saturday the 7th February in country Victoria, Australia we had our worst ever bushfire disaster. Currently the death toll stands at 181, authorities say that figure could soon rise to 200 or even 300. Apparently up to 1,000,000 wildlife could have been killed too.
It is unbelievably sad and devastating the destruction these fires caused. A lot of innocent, good people lost their lives and they had no chance to react. What's even sadder is that some of these fires were deliberately lit. We hope that if arsonists are to blame that they will be caught quickly and we hope and pray that the victims wounds, nightmares and lives will heal.
If you are in Australia you probably have heard that Coles is donating all profits from groceries bought today.
If you would like to / can donate there are many charities accepting donations.

Fortunately there are a lot of firefighters, defence force, volunteers and every day citizens doing an amazing job. Here is a nice story of a koala that was rescued.
and another nice story of an 18 year old boy who rescued his sister and 8 children on a tractor.

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